Orthodox Church of India - Moscow Patriarchate

  • Подписчики: 133 подписчиков
  • ID: 93801943
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The light of the Orthodox Christian faith was brought to India by Holy Apostle Thomas but after 300 years the Church established by St. Thomas fell into Nestorian heresy which further split into Monophycite and Papal heresies. But by the intercession of St. Thomas the Patron of India God brought back the light of Orthodoxy in the land of India which was made holy by the work and martyrdom of St. Thomas. Orthodoxy is growing day by day among both Roman Catholic-Protestant denominations and pagans. Russian Orthodox Mission in India is serving Christ and His Church the Russian Orthodox Church. Former Anglican Bishop Dr. Rohan (Polycarp) Nehamaiyah under whose leadership this mission came into Orthodox Church is taking care of the Orthodox Christians in Indian community. Sincerely asking for your help and your holy prayers for Orthodox Community in India. Here is limited space that's why we can't post all information. For more detail please see following link : https://www.facebook.com/OrhtodoxInd/